Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions you may have and their answers.

1.Do you guarantee admission to the schools applied for?

2.I am not sure if my English is good enough to apply to a school in the US. Can you help me with that?

3.I am a bit confused about the service packages you offer. How can I reach out to you to get more information?

4.I have reviewed your packages and I would like to get started. What is the next step?

5.I have never been abroad before. I am not sure if I can handle living in a foreign country. Can you help me with that?

6.Is Helios Admissions based in the US?

7.I have no idea about the TOEFL and/or GRE exams. Can you inform me about them?

8.My undergraduate GPA is below 2.5. Can I still apply to the universities in the US?

9.My undergraduate degree is in a different field than the one I want to pursue in graduate school. Can I still apply?

10.Are universities in the US free?

11.Are there any full-ride scholarships available for international students in the US?

12.Do you provide services for undergraduate students?

13.Are there any age restrictions for graduate programs?

14.Will I be able to work while I am studying in the US?

15.Do you provide visa consulting services for students?

16.Some agencies claim that students can work in the US while they are studying starting from the first year. Is this true?